Thursday, June 25, 2009

My new cru

So I'm doing it! I'm getting a cru together. I've always wanted to do this and can't wait until its all materialized. My friend David and I sat down for drinks yesterday and talked about shit all. I finally mentioned I wanted to start up a dance cru and he said he'd be hella interested. Now I was all like "Awe dude, this would be great but how the fuck would we get it together?" then I though "fuck it bitch" cause I can do it! When we put our hearts and minds down on something we can make it possible and a reality!

Dancing solo is awesome and I love it but being in a cru y'all, you don't know how great the feeling is. Also the choreography has no limits with the more people you have. I want to make a cru of 3 boys and 3 girls, sounds perfect to me. I already have 2 boys, I count as one and the other is David. My friend Ethan wanted to join but I had to have a chat with him because he is a high school senior and has a job and a weekly dance class so I didn't think he could take the stress and he agreed. So its me and David. I want to make this cru as diverse as possible. It has me, uh weirdo, David, young black gay, and hopefully will get more mixture as we progress. The style I am used to is hip-hop and I love ballet, contemporary and lyrical. All completely different styles and that how I like my dancers, with the classical know-how but they got that bite of street butch! I'm looking forward to this and I wish i had more to write but I don't I am just totally spaced right now.... lol
OH I have been practicing my Australian accent... sound like New Zealand-ish... ok I will think of a prize for some one who can tell me what is the correct term for New Zealand-ish etc... and they open Wikipedia

OK y'all updates!
  • I have decided to see how I feel in September about the whole moving country shiz but honestly I don't know anything about my future right no so we'll have to see.
  • I totally loved this "The bunny part gave me this visual of the energizer bunny snorting cocaine...Hahahahaha!" made me giggle for hours and still does, so like me.
  • To Rain, my other sock got eating by my beast of a washing machine.
  • My friend who thought I was bitching about him is talking to me, kinda, and I'm keeping away from them for a while.
  • My hair has faded because of the sun... yes I'm afraid its not as dark and sexual as before unfortunately and my eyebrows are still blond so I have to use mascara.


  1. Lol! Cocaine! hahahaha!

    Is there a difference between "cru" and "crew"?

    Fading hair is bad. :(

  2. Awww, sorry bout your hair..
    HAHA your sock was eaten...I love it

    Ah..I want to join your crew!!!
    Argh...this is sooooo not fair....
    Can I join in spirit?
