Monday, January 11, 2010

People must want me to kill them!

LOL dramatic title but ti's true. 1st reason, I got 2 texts messages from my college today saying it will be open tomorrow and one saying it will be open Thursday, I know its open tomorrow but I wanna slap the text message sender! The other reason is I'm constantly having conversations with the other person who is in a negative mind and even though I avoid that shit I say to this person"Its all good look on the bright side blah blah blah" and then they start complain more saying its all useless and then I just say "Hum OK well... if that's how you feel, I'm hear to talk." then they say "What? No, you know what I gotta look on the bright side, but I appreciate you trying!" -_-...

lol but anyway my babies they big freeze is ending and the snow is melted! My heart is warming and I'm sending happy and positive vibes.

1 comment:

  1. You're hardly sending out positive vibes with that title! :O What a silly friend (if you dont mind me saying so) At least you did try.. and he/she does notice so thats good :)
